Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2025
Longevity 20:
The Twentieth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions will take place at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th September 2025.
Longevity 20 website (currently under construction).
May 2025
The 21st International Conference on Pensions, Insurance and Savings will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 29th – 30th May 2025.
Call for papers
September 2024
Longevity 19:
Nineteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th September 2024 at Novotel Amsterdam City Hotel, Netherlands.
Longevity 19 Website.
September 2023
Longevity 18:
Eighteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th September 2023 at Bayes Business School.
Longevity 18 Website
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place online on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022. The Plenary Session recordings are available here. The Parallel Session recordings are available here.
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005 Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference. 7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment, The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive, Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009 Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster London The conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew Elliot, Chief Executive of The Tax Payers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time academics and students may attend free. Please contact for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience. 29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel University Uxbridge, West London, UB8 3PH UK
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel, Taipei Conference proceedings Special Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar. 15 February 2007 IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006 Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006 London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster London SW1. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, Paternoster Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty. Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face. For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium, held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner 6th April 2006, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. If you wish to attend this event, book online at and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ Adair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pm. Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ United Kingdom. To register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School. Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom. Hosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European approach for four major European economic and social issues? January 17th 2005, Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future. This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission. Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference, Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London, 5-6th December 2002.
- Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD. (Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales, 8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles, 27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation. An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002 at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics. For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Programme. Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001. Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies. MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY. Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst, Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2025
Longevity 20
The Twentieth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions will take place at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in Singapore on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th September 2025.
Longevity 20 website (currently under construction).
September 2024
Longevity 19:
Nineteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th September 2024 at Novotel Amsterdam City Hotel, Netherlands.
Longevity 19 Website.
September 2023
Longevity 18:
Eighteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th September 2023 at Bayes Business School.
Longevity 18 Website
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place online on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022. The Plenary Session recordings are available here. The Parallel Session recordings are available here.
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005 Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference. 7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment, The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive, Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009 Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster London The conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew Elliot, Chief Executive of The Tax Payers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time academics and students may attend free. Please contact for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience. 29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel University Uxbridge, West London, UB8 3PH UK
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel, Taipei Conference proceedings Special Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar. 15 February 2007 IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006 Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006 London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster London SW1. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, Paternoster Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty. Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face. For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium, held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner 6th April 2006, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. If you wish to attend this event, book online at and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ Adair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pm. Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ United Kingdom. To register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School. Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom. Hosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European approach for four major European economic and social issues? January 17th 2005, Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future. This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission. Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference, Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London, 5-6th December 2002.
- Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD. (Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales, 8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles, 27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation. An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002 at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics. For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Programme. Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001. Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies. MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY. Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst, Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2023
Longevity 18:
Eighteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions will take place on Thursday 7th and Friday 8th September 2023 at Bayes Business School.
Longevity 18 Website
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions took place online on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022. The Plenary Session recordings are available here. The Parallel Session recordings are available here.
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005 Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference. 7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment, The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive, Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009 Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster London The conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew Elliot, Chief Executive of The Tax Payers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time academics and students may attend free. Please contact for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience. 29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel University Uxbridge, West London, UB8 3PH UK
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel, Taipei Conference proceedings Special Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar. 15 February 2007 IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006 Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006 London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster London SW1. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, Paternoster Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty. Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face. For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium, held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner 6th April 2006, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ. United Kingdom. If you wish to attend this event, book online at and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ Adair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pm. Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ United Kingdom. To register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School. Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom. Hosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European approach for four major European economic and social issues? January 17th 2005, Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future. This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission. Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference, Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April, Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London, 5-6th December 2002.
- Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD. (Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales, 8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles, 27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation. An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002 at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics. For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Programme. Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001. Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies. MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY. Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst, Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference will took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
September 2022
Longevity 17:
Seventeenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions (Waterloo Conference) took place on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th September 2022 (Online).
Longevity 17 Website.
‘5th edition of the Conference Perspectives on Actuarial Risks in Talks of Young researchers (PARTY), will take place in Valencia, Spain, on January 29th – February 3rd, 2023’
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference w took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001
Pensions Scholarship Trust
August 2021
Longevity 16:
Sixteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference will took place on Friday 13th & Saturday 14th August 2021 in Denmark
Longevity 16 Website
Call for papers.
September 2019
Longevity 15:
Fifteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 12th & Friday 13th September 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
Longevity 15 Website
Call for Papers
September 2018
Longevity 14:
Fourteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 20th & Friday 21st September 2018 in Amsterdam.
Longevity 14 Website
Call for Papers
September 2017
- Social Security Systems in the Light of Demographic, Economic and Technological Challenges.
- The International Scientific Seminar Pensions, Justice and Culture.
Longevity 13:
Thirteenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd September 2017 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- Longevity 13 Website (Bayes)
- Call for Papers
September 2016
Longevity 12:
Twelfth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September 2016
Longevity 12 Website
Call for Papers
September 2015
Longevity 11:
Eleventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September 2015
Longevity 11 Website
Call for Papers
September 2014
Longevity 10:
Tenth International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets Solutions Conference took place on Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th September 2014.
September 2013
- Pensions Reforms in Post-Socialist and Other Countries – Comparison and Evaluation. Call for Papers
September 2012
- European Network for Research on Supplementary
Pensions 13 – 14th September 2012. Presentations
September 2012
- Longevity Eight: Eight International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference will took place on 7th and 8th September 2012 at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
June 2012
- OECD Pensions Outlook 2012 . 11th June 2012
March 2012
- Participation and Persistency in Workplace Pension Saving: Findings and
Implications 7th March 2012. Call for Papers
October 2011
- 8th Annual Life Settlement & Longevity Conference
24th October 2011Fasano Associates
NAHB Building
1201 15th Street
NW, Washington
DC 20005Registration details are available here
September 2011
- Longevity Seven: Seventh International Longevity Risk and Capital Markets
Solutions Conference took place on 8th and 9th of September 2011 at Goethe
University’s Campus Westend in Frankfurt, Germany.
Longevity 7 website
Longevity 7 poster
Conference summary
September 2010
- Longevity Six: The Sixth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 9th – 10th September 2010 Sydney, Australia Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
January 2010
- Protecting Pension Fund Members in Italy
26th January 2010Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Milan Italy
January 2010
- Risk Sharing in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Conference
7th & 8th January 2010, University of Exeter XFi Centre for Finance and Investment
The Innovaion Centre Rennes Drive
Exeter, UK
- The Department for Work and Pensions, University of Exeter Business School
and Netspar are jointly sponsoring a research conference on risk sharing
in defined contribution pension schemes, to be held at the University of
Exeter on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January 2010.
September 2009
- Longevity Five: The Fifth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Conference 25th – 26th September 2009 New York, USA Conference Registration and Information
Conference Programme
February 2009
- OECD Publication
- Launch Seminar: Private Pensions Outlook
12th February 2009Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
December 2008
- Information for Better Markets Conference
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
15th and 16th December 2008, Chartered Accountants’ Hall, London, EC2For more information about this event, please click here
September 2008
- Longevity Four: The Fourth International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
25th and 26th September 2008Naarden & Amsterdam, Netherlands Programme
September 2008
- Leadership of Pensions Summit
Thursday 18th September 2008, One Whitehall Place, London
May 2008
- Pensions and Insurance: Regulation – where should we draw the line?
Politeia Lecture Series 2008
18:30, Tuesday 20 May 2008, Politeia, 22 Charing Cross Rd, London WC2H 0QP
April 2008
- Mortality and Longevity – Making Financial Sense of the Highly Uncertain
Tuesday 8 April 2008, Apex International, Edinburgh
Tuesday 15 April 2008, One Birdcage Walk, Westminster LondonThe conference brochure can be downloaded here.
February 2008
- Managing Demographic Risk: The Next Challenge for UK Pensions
13th February 2008 Charing Cross Hotel, LondonFor more information about this event and to book online, please visit conference brochure can be downloaded here.
November 2007
- EA Political Economy Conference
Focus on ageing and demographics
Broadway House, Tothill Street, Westminster, London SW1
09:30, 14 November 2007:
Free for academics and students. The IEA Political Economy Conference brings together expert speakers to discuss the appropriate roles of government and the market in key areas of economic life. The programme includes contributions by eminent academics, practitioner economists, politicians and think-tank researchers. At this year’s conference we will be focusing on the problems of demographics and ageing. Speakers will examine policy issues in the field of pensions, welfare, “wellbeing”, and taxation and government spending over
the long term. Though this is set against the background of current economic
problems and policy choices, many of the speakers will also look at the
long-term implications of an ageing population and its consequences for
the current younger generation – often described as the “iPod generation”. Participants will include James Clappison MP, Shadow Minister for Welfare
Reform and Employment, Gary Duncan, Economics Editor, The Times, Matthew
Elliot, Chief Executive of The TaxPayers’ Alliance and Quentin Davies MP.
The full programme and application form can be downloaded from:
The attendance fee for the conference is just £10. However, full-time
academics and students may attend free. Please contact
for requests for free places.
October 2007
- International Workshop on Pension Reform and Pension Fund Management in China in the Light of International and Domestic Experience
29 October 2007, 12:00-19:15, Brunel UniversityUxbridge
West London
July 2007
- Longevity Three: The Third International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Conference
20-21 July 2007Westin Hotel
TaipeiConference proceedingsSpecial Issue of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk & Insurance (Volume 3, Issue 1, 2008)
February 2007
- Ageing, Pension Risk Management and Financial Stability
International Monetary Fund and De Nederlandsche Bank Seminar
15 February 2007IMF Headquarters
Washington, D.C.
December 2006
- Xfi Conference on Fund Management
15 December 2006Xfi Centre for Finance and Investment
University of Exeter
Xfi Building
Rennes Drive
November 2006
- Leadership of Pensions Summit 2006
Managing the Past and Optimising the Future of UK Pensions
23 November 2006Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
- Cima Annual Conference
9 November 2006Grange City, London - Structured Credit and CDOs as Alternative Investments: Perspectives for UK Pension Funds
A Joint Seminar with Ivy Asset Management, Merrill Lynch International and
The Pensions Archive Trust.
2 November 2006London
October 2006
- PMI Autumn Conference Pensions – Reach for the Sky!
5 October 2006One Great George Street Conference Centre Westminster
London SW1For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- European Pension Challenges Conference
29-30 September 2006
Bentley Kempinski Hotel
PMI Technical Seminar
Risk Assessment for Pension Schemes
5 September 2006
Mayfair Conference Centre
London W2For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please
click here.
- An Introduction to the Buy-out Market 13 September 2006
Mark Wood, PaternosterCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
- AMF’s Scientific Advisory Board Conference
15th May 2006Palais du Luxembourg – Salle Médicis
15 Rue de Vaugirard
75006 Paris, France. For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
April 2006
- Longevity Two: The Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium
24th April 2006– Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
Richard MacMinn, Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and David
Blake, Director of the Pensions Institute, are pleased to announce the 8th
Bowles Symposium and Second International Longevity Risk and Capital Market
Solutions Symposium.
As populations in countries around the world age, governments, corporations and individuals face increasing risk. Pay-as-you-go state pensions and corporate pension plans are beginning to put severe financial pressures on governments and companies; IBM and Verizon are just two recent examples in the US, and British Airways and the Co-op provide two current UK examples. Mortality improvements especially at older ages make it ever more likely that individuals with inadequate pension arrangements will end their lives in poverty.Capital markets do provide governments, corporations and individuals with a means of transferring risks and resources across time, as well as spreading risks across individuals. Similarly, individuals can transfer money forward via security purchases to fund their retirement years. However existing
instruments do not allow agencies, corporations or individuals to effectively
hedge the longevity risk that they face.For more information on the symposium see either or click on the following links.
The Geneva Association is pleased to announce that the presentations from
the 2nd International Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions Symposium,
held on 24 April 2006 in Chicago, are now available.
- Pensions – Managing Business Risk, Corporate Pensions Post Turner
6th April 2006
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.For more information about this event and/or to book yourself a place please click here.
December 2005
- The Challenges Ahead for the Fund Management Industry
9th December 2005Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United Kingdom.
If you wish to attend this event, book online at
and please note that places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served
basis. For the event programme click here.
- The Second Report of the Pensions Commission
7th December 2005 – Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZAdair Turner Presentation - Fourth City of London Biennial Meeting
6th and 7th December 2005City University, Cass Business School
October 2005
- The Ross Goobey Lecture
27th October 2005. 6:00pmCass Business School
106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomTo register for the lecture please either fill out the online booking form or complete and return the attached pdf to the events team at Cass Business School.Please note that tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
September 2005
- Ageing Population 7 & 8 September 2005 A two-day conference in Oxford.
April 2005
- European Pensions 2005: The Pursuit of Risk-Free Pensions
11 & 12 April 2005 A two-day international conference organized in association with the European Federation for Retirement Provision
February 2005
- Longevity One: The First International Conference on Longevity Risk and Capital Market Solutions 18 February 2005 Cass Business School106 Bunhill Row
London EC1Y 8TZ
United KingdomHosted by the Pensions Institute, the American Risk and Insurance Association
and the Centre for Risk and Insurance, Nottingham University Business School
January 2005
How can science, government and industry develop a common European
approach for four major European economic and social issues?January 17th 2005
Tilburg University
December 2004
- Pension Liability Management Summit
2nd & 3rd December 2004, Crowne Plaza, London, St James.
The Pension Liability Management Summit is a timely opportunity for pension
fund managers, trustees, finance directors, investment managers and consultants
to determine the true investment needs of today’s final salary pension schemes
and focus on how to meet liabilities whilst achieving growth for the future.
This event will show you how to enhance your investment strategy by focusing
on the innovative options being pursued by leading pension schemes and fund
managers. Download the PDF brochure:
October 2004
- Pensions: Challenges and Choices The First Report of the Pensions Commission
Cass Business School, Thursday October 14th 2004 December 2003
- Symposium on “Capital Market Based Pension Systems”
University of Vienna, December 1st 2003
November 2003
- Third RTN Workshop on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Amsterdam, 1 November 2003 A CEPR Workshop Hosted by Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam
May 2003
- Emerging Roles for Inflation-Linked Bonds in Pension Funds and Endowments A one day conference
Friday 30th May
National Press Club
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045 USA - 2nd Meeting on Social Security and Complementary Pension Systems – Wealth Transfers Between Generations 22/23 May 2003
April 2003
- Performance Measurement, Persistence and Skills
A one day conference organised by The Financial Econometrics Research Centre
and the Investment Management Association
Friday 11th April
Cass Business School
106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ
December 2002
- First Workshop of the RTN Project on Financing Retirement in Europe: Public Sector Reform and Financial Market Development
Hosted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, 13/14 December 2002 - European Pensions Fund Convention: building foundations for the future of the pensions industry Simpson’s in the Strand, London
5-6th December 2002 - Stochastics for Risk, Insurance and Finance
A one-day workshop on Wednesday 4th December 2002
Time: 09.00-12.15 and 14.15-17.15
Venue: Room R405 (4th floor), Lionel Robbins Building, LSE (entrance to
Lionel Robbins Building from Portugal Street). - The Role of Actuaries in a Pension Reform
Zagreb, 2 – 3 December 2002
September 2002
- UBS Pensions Research Programme at LSE First major conference: Design and Workings of Defined Contribution Pension Plans
Room R405, Lionel Robbins Building, 10 Portugal Street, London, WC2A 2HD
(Part of London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE)
Monday 30th September 2002
Application Form (PDF)
July 2002
- Annual Superannuation Colloquium
The Centre for Pensions and Superannuation, University of New South Wales,
8 and 9 July
June 2002
- Executive Retreat on Modernizing Global Pensions: New Structures for the New Economy, A program designed and offered by the World Bank Institute and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, June 30-July 5 2002
Application Form (PDF) - Workshop on Portability of Pension Rights
Centre for European Policy Studies 1, Place du Congrès, 1000 Bruxelles,
27-28 June 2002
May 2002
- Risk and Participant Investment Decisions in Defined Contribution Pensions
A UBS Pensions Programme at the LSE Public Lecture Wednesday 15th May 2002
April 2002
- Global Risk and Insurance Forum: Global Issues in Insurance Regulation,
An international conference on Wednesday 17 & Thursday 18 April 2002
at the Marble Arch Thistle Hotel, London
November 2001
- Beyond Myners – The Conference
The Conference is a two-day event that focuses on providing a broad investigation into all aspects of the contentious Myners Review with key pensions experts offering their diverse viewpoints on a host of topics.
For further information, please email or visit: Euromoney Seminars
The London Hilton, London, 28th & 29th November 2001
July 2001
Edinburgh, Friday 6th July 2001
June 2001
- Brochure: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
- Application: Executive Retreat on Pension Reform (PDF) – Finding the Path to a Sustainable Pension System
The Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts June 17-22, 2001 - Fund Manager Performance: Skill or Luck?
Armourers’ Hall, 81 Coleman St, London EC2R 5BJ
13 June 2001
Presentations: Jon R Bailie, David Blake, Allan Timmerman, Roger Urwin - Pension Funds Performance Measurements: problems and tendencies
MedioCredito Centrale, Via Boncompagni 12, Sala Guido Carli, Rome
Friday June 1, 2001
May 2001
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Advances for Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management
The Harrington Centre, Harrington Hall, London SW7 4JW
London, 30, 31 May, 1 June 2001 - Ethical Investments A procative discussion on the subject of Ethical Investing
Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Thursday 24th May 2001 - Registration form: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Programme: The Political Economy of Pension Reform (PDF)
Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, D-27753 Delmenhorst
Germany, May 3-5 2001 - An Evening with Tony Dye Chartered Insurance Institute, 20 Aldermanbury, London EC2V 7HY
Wednesday 2nd May 2001
April 2001
- Pension Fund Management: Asset Allocation in Light of Liabilities
Merrill Lynch, 25 Ropemaker Street, London
London, April 3rd 2001
March 2001
- Call for Papers: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
- Programme: Colloquium Savings and Pensions (PDF)
Université Claude Bernard – Lyon I Institut de Science Financiere et d’Assurances
Lyon, March 13th and 14th 2001
January 2001
- UK Pension Fund Management: How is Asset Influenced by the Valuation of Liabilities?(PDF)
Joint FMG and Pensions Institute Conference
London, January 15th 2001